Monday, April 23, 2007

War Children (Krigsbarn)

Another one of my Swedish friends (of Finninsh heritage) had this to add to the post about the Battle of Hullock and the Easter Rising:

"I saw this movie Saturday and was wondering if you know about the warchildren (krigsbarn).

During the WW2, Finland was under attack and it was decided that Sweden as a "neutral" country would take some of these children to live in peace until the war was over. 70 000 children between 0-14 years of age were shipped to Sweden during 1939-1945, my father's family included. Some returned to Finland, others stayed for good.
It was emotionally very stressful for the children and their parents. The children were shipped off, all alone, with a tag around their neck, to a country were nobody understood their language.

I guess this is the tightest bond between the countries in modern time.

Norway and Denmark had effects on their children as well, but in different ways. Their description of krigsbarn is different. I'm sure they too must've sent children to Sweden, but in 1945 Norway wanted to send 9 000 children to Australia because they had German fathers, for example..."

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