Sunday, March 9, 2008

This week...Like a Rolling Stone

Is it wrong to enhance?, originally uploaded by Let Ideas Compete.

This week J and I joined the American Women's Club (spouses were invited) to see the new movie "I'm Not There." It's the new movie about Bob Dylan, my all time favorite music person, with Kate Blanchett playing Dylan in much of the movie. The showing was at a small theater in Östermalm - a funky little place that oddly did not sell pop corn (so I ate a bag of chocolate balls like it was pop corn).

The movie was bizarre. I know a lot about Bob Dylan and know a lot of his songs (not just the hits). The movie pulled from events in his life and the dialog wove in phrases from his songs, interviews, etc. If you don't know much about Dylan the movie will be very weird. Many people in the theater walked out. If you do know a fair amount about Dylan, the movie will still be bizarre and weird but you'll see the creativeness of the director and want to watch it again: there is so much symbolism you miss a lot.

J and I met at the movie since I was coming from work. While waiting on me, she saw a man enter the theater with a large trench coat and two electrical wires coming up out of his collar into his hair. The wires were scotched taped to his neck. She called me wondering if she'd just seen a terrorist. Hmmmm. She saw the guard and told him. He basically reacted with a roll of the eyes and a hmmm. I suspect he thought "you Americans think everybody is a terrorist." Must have been some sort of medical device....

This week also provided a few cracks in the pewter sky so we could see some blue sky and white clouds. The photo above was taken from the Tranebergsbron (bron means bridge in Swedish) on one of those nice days. These boats are interesting to me and you can find multiple shots of them on my Flickr account.

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