If you click on the any blue link you will be directed to a new page. This is intended. For example, clicking on the words click here will take you to the huge photo collection.
I also love comments. The comments are moderated by me so your comment may not show up until I approve it in my email.
If you register your email for automatic notifications, then you can also rank and comment on the posts. You can also vote, when I add polls.
I hope you enjoy. The blog was originally made so my family could read about what I'm doing so far from home. It seems, though, that the audience has grown. It also makes for a good diary.
I try to not be political or judgemental of the places and people I meet.
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Just take me to photos:
Click on Photo Collections on Flickr. You can view the photos as a slideshow or individually ( which allows you to read descriptions). Please leave comments but understand that they are not private: anyone with access to the internet can theoretically read them.
You can find older posts by scrolling back up and looking at the links on the right column. You can find them by date or by label. Also, notice that you can click on links within the posts to go to other relevant things.